At flytte et stadion...

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Indlæg: 5093
Tilmeldt: 30. apr 2007, 10:06
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At flytte et stadion...

Indlæg af MrBangDK » 21. jun 2017, 12:18

En af mine tidligere undervisere på CBS, en helhjertet inkarneret Malmö FF fan, har skrevet et working paper om hvad det betyder for klub, fans, etc, når man vælger at flytte stadion..

Resume lyder
The aim of this paper is to conceptually illustrate the tension between commercialisation and club authenticity, which is a potential consequence of stadium relocation. There is a commercial pressure for relocating a football club to new and more modern facilities, but also a pressure from the brand identity perspective to maintain the core traditions of the club where the stadium plays a central role. This brand identity is in turn co-created by the community of stakeholders that demand authenticity from the club. These tensions are illustrated by the upcoming relocation of Atletico de Madrid from their stadium Vicente Calderón. The empirical base for the illustration consists of rich secondary data, focus group interviews with supporters and an expert interview. The results confirm the tensions identified; and future research should be conducted after the relocation is fully implemented to address the ex post effects as well.
Har ikke nået at læse det endnu, men tænkte det kunne være interessant for andre herinde.

Ska' vi hak'?

le Cid
Indlæg: 4459
Tilmeldt: 6. jul 2005, 13:12
Geografisk sted: Mejrup, Holstebronx

Re: At flytte et stadion...

Indlæg af le Cid » 21. jun 2017, 13:53

Helt generelt skal man kun flytte stadion, hvis der er noget helt galt med det gamle. Det kan være for nedslidt (og for dyrt at renovere), det kan være for lille (ikke tilfældet for en eneste dansk klub) og det kan slet og ret være for ringe (som eksempelvis gymnasternes).

Jeg har en delvis forståelse for, at de store europæiske hold bygger nyt for at få mere plads, men jeg kan meget bedre lide modellen fra Liverpool, hvor man vælger at lave en større udvidelse af et legendarisk stadion.

Hvad angår AaB, så er denne diskussion overhovedet ikke aktuel!
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